Washington County Gives Challenge

May 2, 2013 / News

Dear friend,

Washington County Gives




May 2, 2013, the Community Foundation of Washington County, Md. Inc. is launching a 24-hour, web-based fundraiser designed to benefit area nonprofit organizations. The Wells House is one of the organizations that will benefit from the Washington County Gives Challenge that begins tonight at midnight. This is the link that will take you to our Gives Challenge web page – http://washingtoncountygives.razoo.com/story/Wells-House

There are few people who have not known or have been related to someone suffering from the use of alcohol or other drugs. Similar to many other chronic medical conditions, substance use disorders are potentially fatal if untreated. As previously stated, there are thousands of county residents who need treatment, but cannot afford it or cannot find a treatment center with an opening to treat them. The primary mission of the Wells House is to make treatment readily available to county residents in need.

The Wells House does not receive any direct public funding from either the state or the local government. Like most nonprofit agencies, the Wells House is always in need of additional operating funds that would allow us to provide desperately needed treatment services. As previously mentioned, along with other local nonprofit agencies, the Wells House is participating in the Washington County Gives Challenge and we would greatly appreciate any tax-deductible donation you can provide. Your donation will bring us closer to our goal of raising $10,000.00. The funds raised will allow the Wells House to meet our mission goals.

The federal government has estimated that 6.7% of the adult population of Washington County meet the treatment criteria for an alcohol use disorder, which extrapolates to 10,050 residents. The unmet need for the treatment for drug abuse is 2.3% or 3,450 adult county residents. One can readily see that the number of adults needing treatment outstrips the numbers who were admitted to treatment by over 10 to 1. Most of these men and women recognize they need treatment, but there are not enough programs to meet their need. However, even if there were more treatment slots, they do not have insurance coverage or the money needed to pay for treatment.

We would like to thank you for taking the time to read and learn about the services provided by the Wells House and ask that you please consider giving a donation to our agency. Your donation will have a ripple-effect on not only our current patients, but also on their families as well as the community at-large. It will also have an impact on future patients – who might even be someone you know or possibly a member of your family.

Once again, here’s the link to our Gives Challenge website: http://washingtoncountygives.razoo.com/story/Wells-House

Thank You So Much!